Location management in Centix

A location is the general name for various types of locations in Centix. Define location types yourself, such as a yard, warehouse, vehicle, employee, project, building, container, department, etc. The objects that are present at that moment are placed on the locations. If the location changes, you can simply ‘move’ it to another location.

At locations it is also possible to report service requests. For example, a lamp that needs to be replaced, leakage or malfunction of the air conditioning.

Object information

Materieel- en objectbeheer





Maintenance & Inspection


What is a location in Centix?

Location types

In Centix we distinguish between the different location types. For instance, locations such as a warehouse, yard, vehicle, vessel, project, employee, building, department, container, etc. You can define these location types yourself in Centix. Depending on the location type, various relevant input fields are displayed. A standard image is shown per location type, and it is possible to add (extra) properties or standard documents. These are then adopted when a new location is created. Location types also enable you to draw the correct filters and analyses.

Asset management software
Keuring, onderhoud en inspectie industrie met Centix

Build Location Hierarchy

In order to clearly map the relationship between different locations, it is possible to build a hierarchy structure in Centix. Think of a building with several floors, departments, rooms, halls and loading docks. But also, for example, for industry to map out the installation, plant, section, system and subsystems. In the construction and installation sector you come across it to gain insight into the relationship between employees and vehicles and the linked main location/warehouse.

Rights model on locations

To protect locations and/or the underlying objects, permissions can be switched on/off to make this possible. Per security role you can set which restrictions are set on a location. For example, show all locations of the entire customer, often for the warehouse and equipment managers. Or only show what the user owns, for instance this can be used for employees with their own work bus. If additional locations should be visible for this user, link them to a location as a ‘location user’.

‘Control in detail what a user can see, and what a user can do in Centix’

Flexible location details

We record all location information in Centix. This is displayed in a so-called location detail. This location detail can be configured flexibly with various widgets. Widgets such as master data, service requests, documents, sub-locations, reports, status logs, Geolocation et cetera. It is possible to set a different view per user profile so certain information is shown or protected.

Centix Mobile Options object detail

'Moving' objects to and from locations

When all locations in Centix are defined and all objects are in Centix, the objects are assigned to a location. These changes, also referred to as importing and issuing objects, are referred to in Centix as ‘moving’ objects.

The first option is the ‘quick move’; scan one object and instantly assign it to another location. A second option is the ‘move basket; scan multiple objects and then assign them to one different location. In both the Centix Mobile App and Centix web, there are various options for moving / importing and issuing objects. When there are costs associated with the ‘relocation’ and deployment, the products and order module with the accompanying. Centix Logistics App and extra options in Centix Web are used.

Service notifications on site

Service requests or malfunction reports can be submitted quickly and easily with Centix. This is done by using flexible forms that you can create yourself, and the QR code sticker already applied in a room or on an object.

The user scans the QR code and lands on the location detail. By clicking on the service request widget it will navigate to the pre-created form. After submitting, you will have the necessary information in a workflow, also known as a ‘ticket’, to resolve this report. Often used by facility service providers, technical service or workshops.

(Annual) location inventory

A recurring activity is the inventories of locations. Every year, many companies call on their employees and company buses to inspect the tools and work equipment. An inventory check is often also performed to see if everything is still complete, or if things have been lost.

With the Centix Mobile App you can do this quickly and easily. By again using QR codes on the objects, you can scan all objects that you find at/in this ‘location’. Centix makes a summary inventory of this, so you can immediately see whether it is complete, whether things are missing or even extra items have been found.

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