General Extensions

In addition to our Centix Online Basis package, we have many additional general extension modules. These can be individually added to your configuration to provide your company with customization. The modules are listed here:

Gereedschapbeheer software

Capacity planning


Pre-calculations are kept in various places in Centix. To determine which capacity is required in which period, one can use the capacity planning in Centix. The operation is simple; create a capacity plan for a certain period and add one or more scenarios.  Adding activities such as:

  1. Object maintenance and inspection schedules; the defined period maintenance and inspection plans with their pre-calculation are added.
  2. Projects; the pre-calculation of the hours is divided proportionally in time per week.
  3. Repetitive workflow items; this scenario is common among customers who often have to deal with annually recurring appointments, such as when inspecting work equipment on location.
  4. Workflow items; with this scenario, the work already in progress is often included in the capacity planning.
  5. Manual rules; Manual rules usually include things like projected disruptions in capacity planning.

Watch the capacity planning video here.



With the approval module, both purchases and sales can indicate per security role under which conditions an order and in which status may be created by the user. For example, it may be the case that a user can make an unlimited request but may only create an order for company clothing up to a certain balance. The rules to be set relate to:

  • Number of order lines
  • Quantity on an order line
  • The order line total
  • The order total
  • Restriction on article categories

Multiple Language Support


Centix has seven languages in the user interface by default. This means that Centix’s texts can be displayed in these languages. This concerns Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish, Polish and simplified Chinese. But for some customers, this doesn’t go far enough. The users must also be able to view and set the data entered by the organization itself in multiple languages. This includes Belgium, for example, where English, Flemish and French are used interchangeably in many organizations. This module has been made available for these types of applications. The user can make input in his own language and the input can be translated in various ways. The multilingual support takes place on the objects and products. In 2021 (4th quarter) multilingualism will also be added to the maintenance and inspection plans.



Centix is software for technical asset management. In some cases, there is a need to record competences and training of persons. In principle, Centix recommends recording these kinds of matters in a specific HR software solution, if possible. For some customers, because of a small size or specific application, the choice is made to do this in Centix. For example, if you want to record who can operate which type of equipment or who has the right training to be able to carry out a certain inspection. With the competency module, different competency types and also when the competency expires can be recorded per person. Please keep in mind that recording this type of data is sensitive to privacy legislation!

Automatic numbering


This module has been of great value in the past. Nowadays, the module is used less because objects and locations are usually unique over the entire Centix system due to the introduction of QR codes. The automatic numbering module can be used for the following components:

  • Objects; numbering systems sequentially per product, object type, relation and continuous
  • Locations; numbering systems by location type, relation and continuous
  • Products; numbering systems by category and continuous

If you think that this module is of added value for your organization, it is best to ask Centix for advice. The module can be configured quite diversely and only works in Online systems (for example, it does not work in the Mobile App).

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