Centix support

You can use various tools, documentation, and downloads on this support page. Centix releases a new update every two weeks, and release notes are written for each update, which can be read via the button below.

In addition, our support engineers are available for our customers five days a week. To provide you with the best possible service, Centix uses remote support, which can be downloaded via the button below. Finally, you can view the system requirements set for Centix Online Basis by clicking the last button.

Release notes

You can read the differences compared to the previous version of each version that has been released here


User and technical manuals to help you when you need further assistance.


Watch the latest training videos on Centix web, Centix Mobile, additional hardware products or new features.


Need extra help or questions about Centix?

Our FAQ offers further explanations and tips and tricks on how to use Centix. You can use the search bar to search for terms to get to the right article.

System requirements

Do you use the Centix in the ‘purchase variant’ in your own environment? You can read the system requirements that we set for that environment here.


Centix uses all kinds of different connections to be able to link, e-mail and use Centix.

Secured environment

For our customers there is a secure environment where they can download MI plans, reports or manuals.

Contact Form

Let us know how we can help you!​


Let us know how we can help you!

The right employees will contact you as soon as possible. Of course you can also reach us directly at

0348 – 47 10 40.