Centix news

Centix summer promotion
Tessa de Kuijper

Summer optimisation for Centix customers!

The summer period is upon us again! For many, this is a busy time, while others have more space to tackle those long-delayed tasks. As you know, we update your environment every two weeks. Do you have time over the summer period? Then consider an optimisation project in Centix!

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Tessa de Kuijper

Optimise equipment management this construction holiday with Centix

The construction holiday is just around the corner, and although work on construction sites is temporarily halted, this is not the time to sit still. It’s the perfect opportunity to elevate your equipment management with Centix’s software solution. With our proven best practices, we help your organisation make progress during this period of downtime.

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Dunea en CE-ESTER verbeteren keuringsproces met de software van Centix
Customer cases
Tessa de Kuijper

Centix optimises inspection process for Dunea and CE-ESTER: “With Centix, we are in control”

CE-ESTER conducts inspections for clients such as Dunea, using Centix software. By accessing Dunea’s Centix portal, CE-ESTER can carry out inspections within the same system, ensuring insight, oversight, and a standardised working method. For both Dunea and CE-ESTER, Centix has proven to be a valuable tool in optimising the inspection process.

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Johan Zwarts van Zwarts Veiligheid & Techniek achter de computer aan het werk met Centix
Tessa de Kuijper

Zwarts Veiligheid & Techniek: “We use Centix throughout our entire process”

Zwarts Veiligheid & Techniek is a company dedicated to the inspection, rental, and sale of various lifting and hoisting equipment, portable climbing equipment, and (permanent) fall protection. To streamline management properly, Zwarts uses Centix software. “We use Centix throughout our entire process.” In this article, Johan Zwarts shares his experiences with the Centix software and how it enhances the efficiency of Zwarts’ operations.

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Marc van Slooten van Hemink Groep staat in het magazijn en voert met Centix een keuring uit.
Customer cases
Tessa de Kuijper

Hemink Group: “Centix grows with you!”

Hemink Group has experienced significant growth in recent times. With this growth came the need to better handle the management of their growing number of equipment items. Therefore, the company sought help in Centix’s software. The company has now been on the road with Centix for six months. We spoke to Marc van Slooten about the experiences so far.

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Tessa de Kuijper

Ensuring privacy and security in your Centix environment

Centix is ISO 27001 certified, demonstrating our commitment to taking the privacy and security of your data seriously. While we fulfil our responsibilities, it is also essential for you to take measures to protect both your data. In celebration of International Privacy Day on Sunday, January 28, we offer some valuable tips to assist you in safeguarding your privacy and data.

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Omar Berkane van SPIE Building Solutions Zuid-West achter de computer aan het werk met Centix.
Customer cases
Tessa de Kuijper

SPIE Building Solutions South-West: Centix is the perfect fit for us!

Gaining a broader overview and deeper insights into equipment and tools was the objective of SPIE Building Solutions South-Wests collaboration with Centix. “We use Centix to handle and maintain insights into inspections and calibrations of measuring instruments. That is our core business,” stated Omar Berkane, the warehouse / facility service at SPIE Building Solutions South-West.

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Primex zet Centix Online in voor onder andere het uitvoeren van keuringen
Tessa de Kuijper

Wholesaler Primex strengthens market position with Centix

The use of Centix has brought significant benefits to Primex, focusing on increased efficiency and user convenience. The partnership with Centix has enabled Primex to deliver high-quality services to its customers and establish a unique position in the market.

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Change the status of objects with the change status widget
Tessa de Kuijper

More insight into the status of your or the end-users’ objects with the ‘change status’ widget

Every inspector knows the scenario: you arrive at a customer and tools or equipment are missing. We have developed a useful addition to our software, especially for scenarios like this: the ‘change status’ widget. The new widget makes it easy for end-users with limited access rights to mark a lost object in the system as ‘history’ or, conversely, mark an object previously reported as lost as ‘active’ again.

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Javier Sanchez Lestayo voert met Centix een elektrische keuring uit
Customer cases
Tessa de Kuijper

DCW: “Centix deserves a big 9!”

In the past year, DCW, the social development company of the municipality of Enschede, transitioned to Centix Online. After a year of using Centix Online, Javier can only conclude that the decision was the right one for DCW. The system perfectly fulfils their need for increased efficiency and maintaining a clear overview.

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Centix medewerker interview Tessa de Kuijper
Tessa de Kuijper

Tessa: “I can grow at Centix. That is what I like about it”

Tessa de Kuijper felt it was time for a significant career move, which led her to the marketing department at Centix, where she was warmly welcomed. She explains why she chose to work at Centix. “The website said you are allowed to make mistakes and there is room to grow. Exactly what I was looking for!”

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Emiel Plast
Customer cases
Tessa de Kuijper

Forteck uses Centix as a total solution: Inspecting from A to Z

Forteck was looking for a complete system that would support all aspects of their operations. Centix Online offered the solution they were looking for. Emiel Plasmeijer, Forteck’s equipment manager, explains why Forteck chose Centix Online and the motivation behind the switch from PATManager to Centix.

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Dataveiligheid door databeperkingen in Centix
Tessa de Kuijper

How data restrictions can help you

Data restrictions are a powerful functionality within Centix Online. This is because data restrictions allow you to limit access to data based on roles, individuals, business units, or teams. This functionality offers numerous benefits, including enhanced data security.

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Centix sponsort trainingspakken voor Montfoorts meidenelftal MO20-1
Tessa de Kuijper

Centix is proud sponsor of Montfoort S.V. ’19 MO20-1

The football season has started again. This means the tracksuit, team kit and football boots will be taken out again. Last Saturday, Centix went to watch the MO20-1 football match. Upon arrival at the sports club, the girls looked on top of their game in their Centix-sponsored tracksuits.

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Tessa de Kuijper

Centix Online has a new front office relations screen

Centix Online has a new front office relations screen The new front office relations screen is more representative, works faster and is more user-friendly. In addition, it offers users more insight by displaying graphs in a clear dashboard.

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