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Ladders and climbing equipment maintenance and inspections
For Ladders and Climbing equipment, there are standards like the Dutch NEN 2484 which are applicable for maintenance and inspection. The scope of this standard is steps, ladders and other climbing equipment.
An accident with this kind of equipment is just around the corner. This can have major consequences for the health of your employees. It is important for employer and employee to use and maintain the climbing equipment correctly. Inspecting climbing equipment is quick and easy with our software and apps.
In Centix climbing equipment maintenance and inspection plans are available. These MI plans can be imported into Centix. These MI plans are quick and easy to use via the web as well as the OnSite App. The reports of the inspection performed are available online as well as a downloadable pdf.
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Ladders and climbing equipment maintenance and inspection plans

Steps and ladders
The maintenance and inspection plan for steps and ladders only contains questions. The inspection plan is carried out annually by most organisations on steps and ladders. The plan is divided into requirements for the complete product and requirements for parts.

Multi-purpose ladders
The maintenance and inspection plan for a multi-purpose ladder contains only questions. The inspection plan is carried out annually by most organisations. The plan is divided into requirements for the complete product and requirements for parts.
Other maintenance and inspection plans
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