Centix is proud sponsor of Montfoort S.V. ’19 MO20-1

The football season has started again. This means the tracksuit, team kit and football boots will be taken out again. Last Saturday, Centix visited Montfoort S.V. ’19 to watch the MO20-1 (girls under 20) football match. Upon arrival at the sports club, the girls looked on top of their game in their Centix-sponsored tracksuits. The girls began the football season well with a 10-1 win. We spoke to MO20-1 coach Edgar Vendrig about the expectations for this football season and the importance of sponsorship.

Centix sponsors Montfoort girls team

Centix believes it is important to invest in the ‘youth’. This is because we believe that investing in youth equals investing in the future. Efforts are being made on this both internally and externally. Within the company, we do this by giving young people the opportunity to develop and grow. Externally, we do this in the form of sponsorship. We therefore proudly sponsor the MO20-1 team by giving them brand new tracksuits. Why specifically this girls team? That’s simple. Centix employee Patrick van Oostrum is personally committed to the MO20-1 team. His daughter is one of the players on this team and he used to train the girls team.

Furthermore, by sponsoring the tracksuits, we want to increase our brand awareness among the youth. By leaving positive memories, we hope they will think of Centix when looking for an internship or job after their studies.

In touch with Centix

Edgar: “We have a very short line of communication with Centix. We came into contact with Centix through Patrick, a Centix employee and the father of one of our players. That was about four years ago. Back then, John (Product Owner of Centix) also sponsored tracksuits. The tracksuits were now too small and that meant it was time for new ones. Through Patrick, we therefore approached John again.”

The importance of sponsorship

Sponsors are invaluable to football clubs. Edgar agrees: “Football clubs and teams cannot do without sponsors. Without sponsorship, you can’t do a lot of things as a club. So sponsorship is really a necessity and an added value.” Montfoort S.V. ’19 has many companies that contribute to the football club through sponsorship. The sponsors of Montfoort S.V. ’19 are (almost) all companies that are locally involved. Be it companies based in Montfoort or companies whose owners/employees are from Montfoort.

The girls team has two team sponsors, Centix and Tegelzettersbedrijf R. van Putten who provided the training uniforms. On the sponsorship of the tracksuits, Edgar says the following: “A tracksuit is basically a luxury. The tracksuits provide a bit of representativeness. In addition, I think the tracksuits also contribute to a bit of team spirit, that you all arrive in the same outfit and form a unit.”

"We are extremely happy with the tracksuits."

MO20-1 thanks Centix

The Montfoort girls team is extremely happy with the sponsored tracksuits and therefore wanted to thank John personally. Four years ago, due to the corona pandemic, thanking Centix could not take place. “When we got the tracksuits sponsored four years ago, it was in corona time. So we never got to thank Centix properly.”

Now that new tracksuits have been sponsored, the team wanted to do it properly. Coach Edgar therefore invited John to come and watch the girls’ first official match. “We think when you get something like this, you should always be grateful and show your gratitude.” After a word of gratitude from Edgar, John received a nice bouquet of flowers from the team captain.

Expectations for the football season

The first official match started well for the MO20-1 girls. With a 10-1 win, the team opened the football season. “The expectations for this season are good. We are on track.”

Nowadays, the girls play phase football, consisting of four phases. The first phase consists of seven matches. After these seven matches, the KNVB (Royal Dutch Football Federation) will make its selection. The top teams advance to a higher division and the bottom teams drop to a lower division. “Our goal is to move up a step each phase. From the first division, you move on to the main division. This division we hope to play in the second phase. We have the ambition to eventually move up from the main divison to divisional football. For girls football here in Montfoort, that is something that has never been played before.”

We wish the girls of MO20-1 a lot of success for this football season!

For more information about Montfoort S.V. ’19: Visit the football club’s website.