
Manage your organisation’s processes with our workflow module. Get one clear overview of all (upcoming) jobs. Be informed about what is going on now and anticipate what is coming up. The workflow management module is the ideal module for the (automatic) generation of reports. But also for recurring workflows to schedule periodic activities automatically.

Workflow in Centix


The workflow detail can be configured to show only the fields that you need. The object and MI plan can be linked to the workflow. On the left-hand side you will see different tabs for the workflow, which will be explained in more detail below.

Time registration

Register the hours worked per person per rate. Compare these with the pre-calculation if necessary. The hours worked can be charged to a project or invoiced directly.


Insight into which consumables or other products have been used for the job. In case of stock items, the used amount is automatically booked from the warehouse. The used products can be compared with the pre-calculation to stay in control and further improve your calculations.


Notes, e-mails and documents can be kept in the conversations. E-mailing from Centix? That is also possible! With a simple click, it is possible to save a note privately, shared with the organisation or with everyone. Drag & drop from Outlook is also a possibility.  Keep track of all conversations in one place!

Related items

Similar jobs on multiple machines that are related? Keep them together on the related items tab!

Standard work

On a workflow ‘standard work’ can be recorded, to keep track of all the performed activities. Per workflow group and subgroup, specific lists of standard work can be predefined. This enables the mechanic or inspector to quickly add items and avoid typing errors.


Did your customer request a quotation or do you need to order specific parts? Easily add existing or new (purchase) orders to your workflow.


Add documents to the workflow such as certificates, technical drawings or the latest technical manuals. The mechanic can also add documents from the Work Order App.

Status logs

Changes in the status of the workflow, assigned persons, workflow groups and prioritisation are tracked in this log. If necessary, an email is sent automatically depending on the status change. With Centix you are 100% in control!


Changes in the status of the workflow, assigned persons, workflow groups and prioritisation are tracked in this log. If necessary, an email is sent automatically depending on the status change. With Centix you are 100% in control!

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Service requests with the workflow module

Verbeter uw service organisatie met simpel te scannen QR- code formulieren. Met de dynamisch instelbare service formulieren kunnen gebruikers een servicemelding indienen waarna er automatisch een ‘workflow’ wordt aangemaakt.

The forms are self-assembling, featuring content such as standard Centix fields and user-defined input fields, offering extreme flexibility. For example, labels can be customised, the visibility of each input field can be role-specific, and translations can be added.

Verhart Groen works with Centix Online service forms​

One of the most revolutionary aspects of Verhart Groen’s use of Centix Online is the implementation of service forms. These forms enable employees to quickly submit malfunction reports and service requests using their mobile phones. After scanning the QR code, the employee can add videos and photos to show the problem or any damage in detail. Nick says: “On my phone, I can also see what was reported last time. If no report has been made yet, I have to create one with a photo or video. Based on the report, the workshop chief determines when to come in.”

View more workflow management options in Centix