
Are you not completely satisfied with our services? We would be happy to receive a message if this is the case. Together we can then look for a solution. We think it is important that you are satisfied with our organization and services, so we always take your comments seriously. Help us do better every day.


Bent u niet helemaal tevreden over onze dienstverlening? We ontvangen graag een bericht als dit het geval is. Samen kunnen we dan zoeken naar een oplossing. 

We vinden het belangrijk dat u tevreden bent over onze organisatie en dienstverlening dus wij nemen uw opmerkingen altijd serieus. 

Help ons het iedere dag beter te doen.

Submit your complaint or comment

If you would like to submit a complaint or comment to us, please provide the following information.
In this way we can ensure that we can handle your request quickly, in a suitable manner and without misunderstanding.submit



Formulating your complaint

Formulate your complaint as follows:

·         In Dutch or English language.

·         Within 3 months after detection.

·         Accurate description of the subject of the complaint/comment.

·         Possibly with possible solution to the problem.

·         Include your name and contact details.

Submit the complaint

You can then send the complaint via:

·         Our contact form on the website

·         E-mail to

·         By mail to:

         Centix B.V.

         Tasveld 1B 3417 XS 


Working method

We are sorry that you had a negative experience with our organization.

We therefore handle your complaint carefully. We would like to satisfy you despite your complaint or comment.


We will process your complaint as follows:

·         Within two working days you will receive written confirmation from us that we have received your complaint. If we determine that your response does not relate to our organization or customers, you will hear from us directly.


·         If your complaint does relate to our organization, a staff member will handle your complaint. This is always a person who is not involved in the activities that your complaint is about. Your complaint or comment will always be handled impartially. If necessary, we will engage someone from outside our organization to ensure this.


·         We then carefully investigate the cause. We want to hear from all parties involved exactly what happened. If necessary, we make contact with these parties to get a clear picture of the situation.


·         We want to sort out your complaint in a short period of time. Within six weeks you can expect a proposal from us. If you agree with our proposal, we can start implementing it. Sometimes we need a little more time to resolve a complaint. We will let you know in a timely manner.