0 assets in Centix
0 users
0 completed inspections
0 assets in Centix
0 users
assets in Centix


25+ years of asset management experience


Start quickly with industry specific facilities


ISO 27001 & ISO 9001 certified


Inspections in no time

Centix Online Basis


per month

Need more? Take a look at our additional modules!

Centix Online available via various devices. Centix on a tablet, desktop and mobile device are displayed.

Organisations already using Centix

Discover what Centix can do for your organisation

Have you become enthusiastic and want to know more? I would be happy to guide you through the possibilities Centix has to offer in a product demonstration. Depending on your requirements, I will brief you in half an hour to an hour and a half to give you a clear picture of our software solution!

Would you prefer to discover it at a time of your choosing? Request the demonstration video here!

Would you prefer to discover it at a time of your choosing? Request the demonstration video here!

Asset identification through QR codes

By using QR code stickers, you easily identify assets. Depending on your chosen settings, scanning the QR code with or without logging in gives access to certain information about the asset. By scanning with the Centix OnSite App, the asset can be inspected directly using standard maintenance and inspection plans. In addition, the object can be moved or a service report can be created.

Haakse slijper identificatie met QR-codes

Unlimited number of users and objects

In Centix Online, you can register an unlimited number of users and objects. We agree in advance on how many users are allowed to make changes at the same time. Think of activities such as carrying out inspections, hiring out equipment or charging costs on a project. As a result, you only pay for your actual use. We would love to explain more about this.

Take a look at our most used applications

With our Centix Online solution you are able to registrate, localise an inspect tools easily. You can set up Centix completely to your own wishes because of our flexible structure. With the standard set-up you can even get started directly.

Centix offers any equipment management solution. From small to large and from simple to complex. Centix is the software with many modules for a wide range of applications.


Performing, managing and recording maintenance and inspections is easy in Centix. Whether it concerns deliveries and inspections commissioned by third parties, or the maintenance and inspection of your own assets.

Assets in Centix
Completed inspections

News overview

Centix summer promotion

Summer optimisation for Centix customers!

The summer period is upon us again! For many, this is a busy time, while others have more space to tackle those long-delayed tasks. As you know, we update your environment every two weeks. Do you have time over the summer period? Then consider an optimisation project in Centix!

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